Published by Fosca Siciliano on March 20, 2019

Elder-friendly Design Ideas

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When designing a home for the aged, it is important to establish to key areas within the design, comfort and safety. Since they might all not be in the best of physical conditions or health conditions, everything installed around them should speak of ease. Here are some effective and elder-friendly ways of designing a home for them; 

Ease in the bedroom

Designing a bedroom for the elderly that shows a lot of ease of access would make them feel really safe and capable enough to do what they wish to do. Contacting experienced aged care specialists or best aged care linen specialists would suggest you with the most comfortable linen and drapes that can be obtained in bulk to furnish the entire home for the aged. It is mandatory to design the rooms in such a manner that their beds are placed at a low profile, with rails on either side to prevent any falls, making sure to place nightstands on the same level as the bed, making available a phone next to the bed and finally, installing pull-down closets and very good lighting for the rooms.

Ease in doing laundry

When the aged is supposed to do laundry on their own, it would be better for them if everything has simple instructions on them, placed at a height which makes it convenient for the washing and drying. The only need for a laundry room is to wash their own clothes as the other materials such as the drapes and linen would be taken care of by the bedspread suppliers Melbourne.

Ease in the kitchen

Designing and installing a kitchen for the aged would mean that everything needs to be placed at a reasonable height and not exceptionally high or low. The design would require having a shallow sink placed next to the stove, and cabinets and drawers that are easy to open and close. The most common design tip for all of the above segments in the house would be to ensure proper lighting and ventilation within the entire property. Creating a home for the aged would require designing it accordingly, while fitting their levels of ease and making it look nice and comfortable with warm neutral colors. The main reason for making things easy for them to do is because then they would know that they are not helpless because they have aged, but able to do their work just like they always used to. Therefore, pay close attention when designing a home for a worthy purpose of this sort.