People invest in different businesses, properties, projects or organizations to get yearly or monthly profit. Different types of investments can be seen around the world varying from stock share investment to property investment. No matter what kind of investment are you stepping into but one thing that should be taken care of is that a person should be well aware about the project or property in which he is investing his money. Investment in property has always proved to be the most beneficial investment. In this article, we will be particularly discussing about real estate investment and the five types of real estate investment NZ.
Real estate investment:
Basically, real estate is any kind of a land that a person own. This land can be an agricultural land on which crops are grown, commercial land on which commercial buildings are made or a residential land on which houses or apartments are constructed. Conclusively, each part of the land which cannot be moved is counted as real estate land. Now that we know about real estate land, let us comprehend the idea of real estate investment.
Real estate investment is the money invested in any kind of a real estate land, be it an agricultural land, commercial buildings or residential areas. People invest their money in real estate lands because they either get to have the profit after sometime or get the constant monthly income through it.

The five main types of real estate investments:
Lots of people like to invest their money in real estate as it has more advantages as compared to the risks. There are five basic types of real estate investments. One of which is real property investment, in this type of investment person buys the property which he can either rent or can sell it later on when the value of property increases. Then there is real estate investment trust, in this type of investment money is invested in real estate commercial properties like shopping malls, stores, etc. besides that, there is real estate limited partnership investment. Such an investment involves the partnership between the owner and an investor like condominium buildings.
Other than the above mentioned investments, there is mortgage investment. In this type of investment money is raised from investors and is given to borrowers who then return the taken money along with the profit. Finally there is syndicated mortgage investment. In this type of investment two or more individuals invest in the same mortgage against the real property.
Investment is the amount of money invested in any project, organization or property. Various types of investments can be found around the world but the most successful one among others is real estate investment. Real estate investment is the money invested in the real estate property like commercial building, residential areas or other forms of land. Basically, there are five types of real estate investments. “Positive real estate” offers the best guidelines for real estate investments.